Attending cousin marriage dream meanings

Short meaning: dream about attending cousin marriage can evince relaxation, adulation and sympathy. It might express that somebody should be faithful and/or sure in regard to your personage. Notwithstanding, if it was bad dream then your dream could testify upside down sense: someone is being stealthy or faulty in regard to your character.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's interpretation such dreaming of attending cousin marriage betokens individualistic breath, gynic sex instinct, artfulness and gravity.
Encouraging transfigurations are about to become true if: attending cousin marriage - This synbol of your dream indicates advantage and being a frontrunner. In another way, if it was bad dream then such dream might mark vice versa connotation: an important person is being shifty and/or hairy toward your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 45, 94, 61, 13, 58; 2 extra numbers - 26, 62.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and golden .