Bird turned human dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams about bird turned human may name repose, dilection and favoritism. This dream might tell the meaning of that a person of great significance is being just and friendly to your good luck. However, if it was bad dream then your dream should evidence contra message: a person of great value could be insidious or treacherous in regard to your person.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung analysis this dream about bird turned human augurs nonpartisan vital spark, gender sexuality, ability and potentiality.
Good changes naturally are about to become true only: bird turned human - This symbol symbols the opportunity to gain some profit. You are an innovator. Contrarily, if it was bad dream then your dream might prefigure backwards definition: an unknown person is being stealthy or wicked toward your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 71, 35, 90, 8, 49; 2 extra numbers - 21, 53.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and green .