Black diamond dream meanings

Short meaning: dream of of black diamond can connote facility, sentiment and sincere friendship. It can herald that a person of great value could be sensible and/or reliable in regard to your interests. In different circumstances, if the dream was more like nightmare then a dream should mean contra explanation: an unspecified person can be sly or wicked in regard to you.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung understanding this dream about black diamond symbolizes unallied resolve, gender sexual urge, great skill in creative endeavors and attraction.
Constructive adaptations are afoot only when: black diamond - This dream sign forebodes dominance and being a trailblazer. Yet, if your dream has left bad feeling then such dream should signal contra interpretation: an unspecified person is being lying and deceptive in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 5, 87, 96, 68, 67; 2 extra numbers - 84, 78.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and yellow .