Cat shit dream meanings

Short meaning: To view cat shit in the dreams denotes autarchical warmth, gender lust, imaginativeness and quality. By Freud's understanding of this dream, it omens casualty and awful luck. Such dream's story possesses original implication counting on whether you are a friend of a cat or not. This dream could add up that an unknown person may be mature and harmless in regard to your being. On the other hand, if you aren't the cats admirer or/and if it was bad dream then such dream may prove backwards implication: an unspecified person is being cunning and/or precarious toward you. This dream of cat shit together with peaceful sensations augurs that you are in integrity in regard to your womanly character and desire. Otherwise if the dream is with aggression emotions then a dream announces that you're having trouble in relation to the womanish character of yours.  
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung analysis such dreaming of cat shit announces self-supporting gameness, girlish lust, talent and validity.
Encouraging evolutions are around only: cat shit - This synbol of your dream commonly represents the circumstance that puts the dreamer in a superior position. You are one step ahead. Alternatively, if the dream was more like nightmare then this dream can typify upside down effect: some-one might be fraudulent and/or unsound in relation to your person.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 78, 56, 37, 35, 81; 2 extra numbers - 64, 6.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and blue .