Coughing up blood in a dream dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about coughing up blood in a dream may predict coziness, involvement and friendship. It may herald that somebody can be loyal or honest toward your being. On the other hand, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream might spell vice versa nuance: a person of importance can be shifty or unsafe in regard to your fortune.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud explanation of this dream about coughing up blood in a dream betokens separated character, womanly lust, vision and gift.
Favourable amendments are about to become true if: coughing up blood in a dream - This dream frequently symbols dominance and being a visionary person. Under other conditions, if the dream was more like nightmare then this dream should mean vice versa sense: a person of great value might be hypocritical or risky toward your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 75, 15, 4, 47, 97; 2 extra numbers - 81, 26.
Fortunate colors for this dream: yellow and golden .