Engagement ring on your finger dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of engagement ring on your finger may suggest restfulness, amity and benevolence. The dream can omen that an important person can be dependable and/or untreacherous toward you. Under other conditions, if it was intense dream in a bad way then a dream can tag upside down sense: an unspecified person is being unlawful and unsafe in relation to you.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud explanation the dream about engagement ring on your finger indicates self-ruling enterprise, gender lust, workmanship and capacity.
Good revisions are around in your life if: engagement ring on your finger - This foretells supremacy and being a frontrunning person. Notwithstanding, if the dream was more like nightmare then this dream may witness vice versa signification: a person of great value might be insidious and/or menacing toward you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 72, 78, 88, 54, 57; 2 extra numbers - 12, 3.
Fortunate colors for this dream: black and golden .