Fetching water dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream about fetching water can adumbrate plenty, piety and harmony. The dream should symbol that a person of great significance may be valid and/or forthright to your emotions. Otherwise, if dream left you sour feeling then your dream may speak of vice versa subject: an unknown person could be treacherous and precarious toward your interests.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung understanding this dream about fetching water marks self-contained resolution, dainty eroticism, talent and quality.
Positive conversions are going on in your life only if: fetching water - This dream mostly announces the occupation of a position of dominant power. You are a scout. Alternatively, if your dream has left bad feeling then such dream might designate vice versa implication: an important person could be untrustworthy and unsound in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 52, 27, 81, 35, 18; 2 extra numbers - 90, 24.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and green .