Friendly lion dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams of friendly lion can sign warmth, love and regard. Your dream may betoken that someone can be authentic and/or sure toward your character. In spite of that, if such dream gave you awful feeling then this dream might show backwards sense: an unknown person could be unprincipled and unreliable in relation to your being.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud understanding of this dream about friendly lion augurs nonaligned nerve, ladylike passion, taste and attraction.
Good amendments are ahead in your life only: friendly lion - This synbol of your dream normally betokens advantage and being a pioneering person. In different circumstances, if the dream was more like nightmare then such dream might add up vice versa message: an important person may be dishonorable and ominous in relation to your person.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 44, 93, 54, 68, 31; 2 extra numbers - 38, 95.
Fortunate colors for this dream: black and purple .