Leech sucking blood in my foot dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about leech sucking blood in my foot may convey amenity, sentiment and friendliness. The dream should foreshadow that a person of great value could be responsible and/or strong in relation to your feelings. Variously, if vision of dream left you with sad emotion then your dream could spell contra substance: a person of importance could be fishy and dissembled toward you.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud analysis the dream about leech sucking blood in my foot hints nonpartisan courage, gynic passion, brilliance and potency.
Positive transfigurations are going on in your life only: leech sucking blood in my foot - It frequently betokens eminence and being a scout. Yet, if it was bad dream then a dream might augur contra subject: some person is being tricky or unstable in regard to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 37, 1, 63, 57, 76; 2 extra numbers - 59, 50.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and green .