Lizard in islam dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about lizard in islam can presage succor, weakness and tried friendship. Your dream might promise that a person of great significance might be reliable or friendly to your person. Diversely, if dream gave you terrible feeling then a dream could portend contra effect: somebody could be underhand and/or ticklish in regard to your fortune.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung interpretation of this dream about lizard in islam symbolizes independent nerve, girlish passion, artistry and endowment.
Supportive metamorphosis are going on in life when: lizard in islam - This dream denotes dominance and being a vanguard. Nevertheless, if your dream has left bad feeling then such dream might emblematize upside down nuance: an unknown person can be nefarious and deceptive in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 39, 19, 82, 18, 31; 2 extra numbers - 5, 54.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and green .