Maize corn dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about maize corn can involve opulence, relish and amiability. It may register that somebody might be forthright or forthright in relation to your good luck. In spite of that, if it was grim dream then such dream can manifest vice versa effect: a person of importance can be duplicitous or treacherous in relation to you.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud interpretation the dream about maize corn omens absolute enterprise, gynic passion, style and skill.
Positive reshapings are ahead when: maize corn - This synbol of your dream frequently symbols the state of being superior. You are a scout. If not, if it was bad dream then such dream could bode vice versa effect: a person of great value is being deceiving or treacherous in relation to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 20, 37, 89, 76, 96; 2 extra numbers - 55, 36.
Fortunate colors for this dream: purple and golden .