Meaning of monkey in my dream dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream about meaning of monkey in my dream can presage abundance, admiration and intimacy. It could mirror that a person of importance could be principled or loyal to you. However, if such dream gave you awful feeling then this dream could typify backwards context: somebody could be two-faced or slippery to your feelings.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung interpretation such dreaming of meaning of monkey in my dream foretells freewheeling willpower, womanhood desire, imaginativeness and susceptibility.
Affirmative amendments are ahead in life only: meaning of monkey in my dream - This dream sign frequently represents influence and power over others. You are a vanguard. If not, if it was bad dream then this dream should name upside down definition: an important person could be subtle and unhealthy in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 66, 65, 36, 83, 89; 2 extra numbers - 21, 47.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and purple .