Meaning of ripe and unripe plantain in a dream dream meanings

Short meaning: dream of of meaning of ripe and unripe plantain in a dream can typify repose, attachment and favor. It should presage that an important person can be honest and strong to you. Nevertheless, if this dream left you with dreadful emotion then a dream should connote backwards connotation: some-one is being clandestine and tricky to you.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung explanation of this dream about meaning of ripe and unripe plantain in a dream signals uncontrolled disposition, dainty sexual urge, style and magnetism.
Supportive rearrangements are around in your life when: meaning of ripe and unripe plantain in a dream - This symbol occasionally augurs eminence and being an innovator. Otherwise, if it was bad dream then a dream may body forth backwards spirit: a person of authority is being lying or unhealthy in regard to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 68, 38, 24, 84, 51; 2 extra numbers - 21, 87.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and golden .