Stealing jewelry dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams of stealing jewelry can augur rest, cherishing and regard. The dream can allude that a person of importance might be trustworthy or loyal in relation to your person. Yet, if it was grim dream then a dream may foretell vice versa significance: some person should be disingenuous and/or unsafe to your emotions.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's understanding this dream about stealing jewelry betokens unconstrained resolve, tender sexuality, talent and dynamism.
Positive conversions are awaiting in your life only when: stealing jewelry - This announces primacy and being one step ahead. However, if this dream was with negative emotion then such dream could portend contra substance: some-one may be fallacious and jeopardous toward you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 96, 72, 55, 19, 46; 2 extra numbers - 71, 93.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and blue .