Swollen face in dream dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream of swollen face in dream might point out rest, allegiance and love. Your dream should connote that some person should be genuine or easy in regard to you. Yet, if it was bad dream then your dream could suggest contra definition: some-one could be cunning and/or slippery toward your being.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung understanding of this dream about swollen face in dream symbols self-ruling attitude, soft lust, great skill in creative endeavors and puissance.
Positive reshapings mostly are going on only: swollen face in dream - It signs advantage and being a pioneering person. Variously, if it was bad dream then such dream can argue upside down connotation: somebody might be underhand and slippery toward your person.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 4, 2, 74, 42, 100; 2 extra numbers - 13, 99.
Fortunate colors for this dream: black and brown .