Talking to god dream meanings

Short meaning: dream of about talking to god can tell the meaning of relaxation, affection and empathy. This dream could portend that somebody may be open and harmless to your emotions. Even so, if it was fearful dream then a dream should foreshadow contra sense: an unspecified person may be untrustworthy or unsound toward your being.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung explanation such dreaming of talking to god denotes uncontrolled quality, gynic sexual desire, originality and quality.
Affirmative transformations are around only when: talking to god - Symbol of a dream stands for ascendancy and being a visionary person. Nonetheless, if it was bad dream then a dream may signal vice versa implication: some-one should be underhand and undependable in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 24, 82, 51, 17, 63; 2 extra numbers - 85, 42.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and red .