Someone watching you sleep dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream of someone watching you sleep can say sufficiency, sympathy and devoted friendship. The dream could mean that someone can be trustworthy or secure in regard to your personage. In different circumstances, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream might body forth upside down implication: some person may be dishonest or ominous to you.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung explanation such dreaming of someone watching you sleep shows free enterprise, effeminate sensuality, flair and gift.
Positive alterations are about to become true when: someone watching you sleep - This naturally symbolizes ascendancy and being a notch above the others. Alternatively, if it was bad dream then your dream may bode contra definition: a person of great value could be indirect or dissembled in relation to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 96, 61, 9, 99, 78; 2 extra numbers - 30, 56.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and yellow .